It seem like we have a feud going on over a T-Shirt. But one should not speak out at another one in haste especially when you yourself have no room to talk! And after a lull period of time since a feud between Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan and they both made up, Pamela Anderson and Jessica Simpson have stepped up to take there place. Jessica troubled Pammi and all her vegetarian buddies by wearing a T-shirt proclaiming: “Real girls eat meat.” But now the onetime Baywatch beauty has struck back with a prominent insult. talking on radio in Australia the actress thrashed her rival voluptuous blonde. Pammi shot back: "I think she is a bitch and whore. “Really, I don't understand if she was talking about food or men." She added that she is proud of not eating meat, saying: “I think it's not healthy, not good for your physical structure and not good for the surroundings."
But I think when someone like Pammie uses those words, it could be meant as a compliment.
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