Jessica Biel was incriminated of viciously chewing out a fan for acquiring a snap shot of her and her boyfriend Justin Timberlake at a Los Angeles bar. The actress and her vocalist boyfriend reportedly inquired if they could be changed to the very important person room at Southern Hospitality, forgetting that a group of Memphis devotees would not acquire the chance to mix with their idol Justin. When the star pair got up to leave, a lot of beefy bodyguards sprang into the bar and asked all merrymakers “remain wherever you are, do not proceed, keep open this path”, according to devotee Sahara. The group asked if they may get their photo taken with the Cry Me A River sensation – only the reply comprised of “a strict NO”. The star pair then came out and rapidly got out of the place, only not before one of Sahara’s acquaintances aimed a photographic camera at them and photographed the granitelike faced couple. Sahara stated to Perez Hilton: “Jessica halted in her tracks, swings around, and sounds out to my friend (really loudly and completely trying to make a scene), ‘That was ruuuuuuuuuuuude!’ Still while there were 6 paparazzi out of doors!” The young lady took a firm stand that the incident, linked with the couple's frigid approach towards the public on Wednesday night, has put her off of being a fan of Justin and Jessica for a lifetime. A spokesperson for the actress has so far not commented on the supposed fracas.
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