Mischa Barton's worried buddies have implored her to take care of her torso after late drink bouts have left her distended and dysphoric, according to news report's. Recent photographs of Barton with broader cheeks hit the tabloids last calendar month, inciting speculation the actresses tumultuous love life was making her to binge in food and alcohol. The paparazzi photographs represented in complete contrast to her appearance in Jan., While she set off concerns for her wellness subsequently turning up to a fashion appearance looking emaciated. And the actress' close circle fearfulness her thread of broken down romances with a great deal of rock 'n' roll musician's have left her lusting raging nights out to fight her depressive disorder, according to a Great Britain celebrity magazine. An informant states the publication, "once her love life is out of whack she merely allows herself to let go and hits the party scene. "Her acquaintances try to assure her to stop only she does not take heed. Boozing bloats her frightfully. "After partying she will normally indulge into greasy fast food. She will starve herself all day and then engorge on trash food. It makes for mayhem with her system."