Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Paris Hilton Looks Comfy Arriving In Australia

Saturday, December 27, 2008
Is Katy Perry Thinking Of You

Thursday, December 25, 2008
Megan Fox Voted Sexiest Actress

Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Paris Hilton Upset By Home Break In

Heidi Montag And Boyfriend Postpone Marriage

Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Jessica Alba Finally Has A Wedding Reception

Britney Spears Loves Japan

Friday, December 19, 2008
Hilary Duff Denies Stating She Was A Virgin

Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Clint Eastwood A Real Man Has Spoken
Editor's Comment: Truly a real American Male!
Monday, December 15, 2008
Carmen Electra Deals Blackjack As A Playboy Bunny

Sunday, December 14, 2008
Jessica Simpson Promotes Perfume Line

Tara Reid Checks Herself Into Rehab

Editor's Comment: Why would someone brag about going out with a million guys?
Friday, December 12, 2008
Jennifer Aniston Poses In Her Birthday Suit For GQ magazine

Did Anne Hathaway Scene Go To Far
A mischievous dancing shot in the recent motion picture, "Bride Wars" had to be deleted when Anne Hathaway carried it a trifle too far. The actress chose to experience a bit of fun with her dancing partner, not recognizing that the movie camera was still shooting. She answers, "My favorite section of the picture got cut out of the film. At the close of it I ran towards my partner and I executed a handstand at his feet and draped my legs about his head and drew myself upwards and so he took hold of my butt. "I spread my legs open, into a V, and I said, "F*** me!" Co-star and producer Kate Hudson takes a firm stand the X-Rated shot will be one of the outtakes on the DVD.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Shania Twain Has An Unexpected Dating Partner

Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Pamela Anderson Tries To Hide Her Modesty

Editors comment: When it comes to modesty Pamela sure isn't afraid to express it.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Kate Winslet Defends Sex Shots In New Film

The sticky shots sported in the motion picture have pulled in unfavorable judgment with a few believing it trivializes the genuine horror of the Holocaust. Only Winslet is adamant they were necessary for the plot. She stated to a New York newspaper, "There's a bunch of nakedness to begin with. Merely it is 100% warranted. Besides, the relationship isn't all but sexual activity. It is more or less how this young man studies her beautiful tales and poems."
Paris Hilton Trying To Release A Record Album

The LP attained number 6 on the recording charts, only before long dropped off and sold merely 180,000 copies in the United States. She later on departed ways with Warner Bros. Hilton has completed taping a 2nd record album, only presently has no record business deal in place to release the follow-up. She states, "I am figuring it out right now. I am not certain which recording label I am coming out with." "I composed all the songs."
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Jennifer Aniston Tells Media To Back Off About Pregnancy

Thursday, December 4, 2008
Kevin Federline States Britney Spears Initiated The Divorce

Jessica Alba Steps Out To Model For A Calendar

Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Nicole Kidman Promoting A New Film

Paige Peterson Beats Up Her Boyfriend
Model-turned-actress Paige Peterson spent her Thanksgiving Day holiday in a jail cell after she was arrested on suspicion of misdemeanor domestic assault and battery last Thursday. Peterson is reported to have beaten-up her unknown boyfriend at their Hollywood dwelling on Thursday evening and was arrested by California police officers at around 5pm local time. Police sources lay claim Peterson was "hollering, kicking and combative" after she was locked away, and an internet site lays claim her conduct was so unfit, she had to be cuffed to the bench in the jail cell. Peterson, whose beau wasn't hurt in the incident, was still behind bars.
Editors Comment: It seems that some people need to think about a Violence Against Peoples Act. I believe that most hollywood supporters believe only in a Violence Against Womens Act.
Editors Comment: It seems that some people need to think about a Violence Against Peoples Act. I believe that most hollywood supporters believe only in a Violence Against Womens Act.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Does Paris Hilton Think Dating Is Gross

Paris Hilton has conceded that she is not geared up to depart from her ex-boyfriend Benji Madden all the same. The pair broke up 2 weeks ago, after their love affair that endured 9 months. And Paris states she unquestionably does not desire a new man, in spite of having many offers to go out on a date. Paris who established her new perfume Fairy Dust just this past week, disclosed: "I do not have going out on my psyche in the least. "Only the idea of going out with somebody new freaks me out. "No way."
Friday, November 28, 2008
Winona Ryder States She Returned Jewelry

Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Is Angelina Jolie Going To Have Another Child

Reese Witherspoon Denies Conflict On The Movie Set

Monday, November 24, 2008
Gwyneth Paltrow Asks For Forgiveness For Wearing Fur

Editor's Comment: The big question I have here is will The Eskimos finally go furless for PETA? I hope not. Since when does some organization have the right to dictate what people can and should not wear?
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Kate Hudson Takes To The Stage For A New Film

Thursday, November 20, 2008
Paris Hilton Is Rumored To Have Broken Up With Her Boyfriend

Paris Hilton has finished her love affair with rock 'n' roll musician Benji Madden, rumored through media reports. Reportedly through rumors the relationship has ended when the heiress was photographed cuddling up to ex-boyfriend Stavros Niarchos in a Miami nightspot this past weekend. And Hilton ditched her rock 'n' roll musician boyfriend only days after, acquaintances told a celebrity magazine. An informant states to the magazine, "Paris was disgusted with Benji forever telling her what to do and bossing her about. She sensed she could not get away and party. He does not drink and does not believe she ought to either. She felt overly confined."
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Katy Perry States Her Bosoms Are Not Enhanced

Monday, November 17, 2008
Paris Hilton Gets Comfortable With ExBoyfriend

Sunday, November 16, 2008
Hilary Duff Signs A Contract With NBC Network

Saturday, November 15, 2008
Mariah Carey Composes Music In The John

Natalie Imbruglia Goes Furless For Peta

Jennifer Aniston Claims She Replied To Angelina Truthfully

Thursday, November 13, 2008
Natalie Portman State's It Is Hard To Live With Her Parents

Editor's comment: I wonder if she would pay rent? Evidently she does'nt want a long term commitment.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Jennifer Aniston Speaks Out About Angelina Jolie

Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Taylor Swift Has Trouble Buying Undergarments

Monday, November 10, 2008
Do Celebrities Really Care What The People Want
Thousands of demonstrators are furious around California’s prohibition on gay married couples and then so are the celebs. A lot of celebrities grieved the coming about of Proposition 8 in California this week. A few such as Wanda Sykes, Rose McGowan and Lance Bass accompanied a Wednesday dissent knocking down California's gay same sex marriage ban. Other people like Ellen DeGeneres, Rosie O’Donnell, Samantha Ronson and Melissa Etheridge aired out their defeats on the internet, on television, and onstage. James Cromwell, Patricia Clarkson, Anjelica Huston and Sean Penn said they supported the 2,000 gay-rights protesters who were demonstrating outside a Mormon church. Etheridge, who interchanged vows with her longtime female spouse in a 2003 ceremonial occasion, announced she would not pay her taxes in a web log submission placed Thursday on TheDailyBeast.com. Madonna chose a minute during her concert at Dodger Stadium to announce to the audience that she was sorry “since African-Americans are equal at last, only same sex marriage isn't.” Onetime adolescent queen Christina Aguilera likewise verbalized against the vote.
Editors comment: It appears that the voters in California are totally against same sex marriage. It appears that only the celebrities want you to vote the way they think! Maybe it's time that we vote them out also.
Editors comment: It appears that the voters in California are totally against same sex marriage. It appears that only the celebrities want you to vote the way they think! Maybe it's time that we vote them out also.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Mariah Carey Not Ready To Get Pregnant

Is Paris Hilton Bad At Acting In Motion Pictures

Did Naomi Cambell Get Special Treatment

Naomi Campbell has been verbally attacked by furious travelers after she was permitted to break in line at a New York airport to come through customs on coming in the United States from London. The fashion model reached John F. Kennedy Interrnational on an American Airlines flight on Tues AM and then assisted to the head of the line to get her passport looked at. Only her fellow air travel riders weren't entertained by her discriminatory treatment and hissed Campbell when she passed by them to get to the front of the waiting line. An informant states, "An elderly woman was just about to get her passport checked into, only she was ordered to hold off so Naomi could go 1st. It pissed off many people." Nevertheless, Campbell's attorney Marty Singer has fought back for the model, asserting it's a normal process for any famous person to be escorted by customs 1st, to avert unwished for attention. Singer states: "She wasn't handled any differently than any other high-profile person. American Airlines volunteered to accompany her. She didn't call for for it. It is arranged for security measures, so high-profile riders aren't beleaguered by people." A representative for American Airlines has declined to remark about the incident.
Editor's Comment: Do you think Naomi Campbell got special treatment?
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Has Pamela Anderson Found Her Dream Home

Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Jennifer Aniston Praises Owen Wilson

Paris Hilton Dating Benji Prior To His Breakup With Monk

Sunday, November 2, 2008
Jessica Simpson's Hairstylist Injured By Photographers

Paris Hilton Believes She Is Being Used By Men

Editor's comment: If your a man and Paris is looking for a best friend forever. Please stay away you male fame seekers.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Communists Speak Out Against James Bond Actress

Friday, October 31, 2008
Another Season Of Reality Bleeps By Denise Richards

Editors Comment: If the audience viewers are not watching these programs, why do they keep on promoting reality programs? Is it cheap entertainment for people who have pay television? And that's no bleep!
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